
  • Far Cry 3 Outposts
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 00:56
    Far Cry 3 Outposts

    Outposts are small strongholds to liberate in Far Cry 3. When you liberate an outpost it becomes yours and it gives you a fast travel location, an automated store and unlocks side quests - Path of the Hunter and Wanted: Dead. You can also sometimes find a Memory Card inside the safe house. Several outposts throughout Far Cry 3 will have one or more animal cages located within them. If shot, these animal cages will break and the animal within will be set free. Depending on the animal.

    1. Far Cry 3 Outpost Undetected
    2. Far Cry 3 Outpost Reset
    3. Far Cry 3 Outpost Decoder

    So, I'm having a real hard time getting the stealth bonus for liberating outposts and was hoping you guys might have some tips. It seems like every time I try someone locates me and it just turns into a bloodbath.I will usually start from a fair distance away and begin tagging all the enemies I can find. Next, I'll use either my silenced sniper rifle or bow to start picking guys off. It's at this point things begin to go downhill.

    If I manage to kill a guy and there are no other guards nearby, I'm usually okay to move on to the next dude. However, more often then not, my first shot will either miss (with the bow) or not kill the guy (with the sniper rifle, unless I get a headshot) and the idiot will start yelling and freaking out and before I know it the whole outpost is next to him and they someone locate me and sound the alarms.

    Aside from sneaking around and just knifing everyone in one of the very first outposts, I have never managed to successfully silently liberate one. More often then not I will begin with a silent approach, then just say 'fuck it' when things go bad and mow everyone down with a shotgun.So, yeah.

    Shoot the alarms before shooting guys. Also, I had better results sneaking around with my knife after tagging every enemy.If there's a caged animal in the outpost, use it to your advantage to distract the enemies and thin them out. When they're shooting a tiger, they won't freak out from your sniper rifle fire.To be fair, though, I think the 'fuck it' attitude is the perfect attitude for this game. Improvise, dude. You'll get enough XP from other things, you don't need the bonus.

    And blowing shit up in FC3 is rad. Unless you know a guy is way off the beaten path where no one will see him, don't just shoot him with the bow. The game can be a bit finicky about guys you shoot with the bow being heard too so you need to be extra sure they are far away from people and off the beaten path. It's not as good of a stealth weapon as you might imagine.The best method is really always getting right in there close and using the takedowns were possible and then the bow when you need to. Make sure to keep an eye out for the holes in the fences that every outpost has because those are very useful ways to get in. Upgrade to the takedown that allows you to move bodies after as soon as you can. The other take downs are also very useful but this one is essential to stealth.

    Make liberal use of rocks. You can use them to lure guards away where you can get a takedown on them unseen but also remember to use them to distract. If you throw one in front of all the guards they will all look at it, so you can very easily sneak by for example. Or you can throw one in front of two guards and one will go investigate while the other looks on. You can use a take down on the guy who stays put and have enough time to deal with the other unseen. Make the first priority getting to the alarm and hitting the action button to disable it.

    They usually are not heavily guarded. Once you have the chain takedowns and other group ones, things are a lot easier. Once you figure out how those work you can stealth kill three guys relatively easy. It's just a matter of figuring that out. Look for ledges to climb on. Getting to high ground is made much easier this way, it'll take you a bit to realize what to look out for. You can take out snipers in those spots and also get the falling takedowns.

    You could try sneaking up to one of the alarm boxes and interacting with it to disable all alarms. Then you can dispatch the enemies any way you want, even noisily, and you'll get the XP bonus for not allowing reinforcements. Another tip is to remember to throw rocks to distract enemies. Another option is to look for caged animals and shoot the cage with a silent weapon, then using the ensuing commotion to either kill the remaining enemies or disable the alarms, yourself, then mop up. Finally, I've often just resorted to using explosives to blow up all of the alarm boxes, which is usually not too hard since there's typically only 2 of them.

    Between the grenade launcher, the rocket launcher, thrown grenades, and explosive arrows, there are plenty of ways of quickly producing explosions. @PoisonJam7: If you miss with the rifle and they go on alert, but haven't seen you yet, just fucking book it. They won't sound the alarm unless they actually see you, even if they have a dead bro, so a lot of times it's perfectly feasible to haul ass to a different location before they spread out and find you, then continue your sniping assault. By the end of the game I got pretty good at picking off entire camps with the sniper rifle.

    The.50 cal you eventually get will take care of a lot of those issues, if you don't have it already, because it pretty much kills anything in one shot no matter where you hit them, except for the heavies, but it enables run of the mill headshots for them. @PoisonJam7: The one thing you have to understand is that the AI can still inuit your position, or triangulate your general location based on where the shot was fired, assuming they actually witness one of their allies being shot.

    So ideally, if your picking them off from a distance, you want to ensure that the others don't witness your shots. If they're alerted after the fact, once they find a body, they'll freak out a bit but they won't investigate your position. However, if they're alerted while witnessing one of their allies being shot, that's when their awareness really heightens and they begin converging on the position from where the last shot was fired.And just to be clear, once you alert them in any way, the AI awareness does heighten, so it becomes easier for them to detect you. @PoisonJam7:1: Sniping is great but do it from as far away as you can manage and stick to high ground when possible. Always hit shift before you fire to steady, always go for the head shot.

    Far Cry 3 Outpost Undetected

    If you can't get a clean headshot change position until you can. If you can't period move in closer for the bow. If you still somehow can't pull it off with the bow never underestimate the power of throwing a stinking rock. All you need for a clean take down is for them to be looking in the wrong direction for a few seconds. The guards will always look where the rock hit a surface or landed, they will only look at where it was thrown from after investigating the sound source first.2: Kill dudes who are alone first. The other guys won't notice them go down and it thins the herd.

    Far Cry 3 Outposts

    Specifically take out snipers in nests early. They almost never are being seen by others and they normally have some of the best vantage points to see you.3: Lay low. Even if you kill a dude, they find the body, they rush out looking for you. Nothing bad happens if they don't actually see you. They won't trip the alarm, ever, unless they actually spot you. So, even though they know 'someone is there' you are still undetected because they didn't actually see you. Don't be afraid to pick off 2-3 guys knowing they will be found.

    Run away and just wait a minute or two for things to calm down.4: That bear in the cage sure is a mean sob if he gets you in melee. Just saying I watched a bear take out a heavy and two pirates once on his own. By the time he was done all I had to do was snipe the sniper (drumroll), and stealth takedown two dudes who where on opposite sides of the camp.5: If you screw up let them kill you. You lose all your progress but the game still spawns you near the offending camp.PS: You can one shot kill the heavies with a headshot even in early game without the 50 cal, you just have to hit them in the back of the head. Easier said than done I know, but it can be done. Some of them are easier then others.

    The ones with only like 4 guys are simple and if you just snipe them all with a silencer they'll never even know you were there. You can also usually shoot the alarm as there only ever seems to be one at the outposts- so they wont be able to use it. I've actually had bad guys shoot it on accident before, which was kind of funny. When you can try to take it from the opposite side of the direction they are facing. This is not always possible as sometimes it's on the side of a hill coming out from a mine or something, but often it's the best way.

    Make use of the animals in cages. It's best to do this when you've taken out a couple guys though, usually full force they destroy the animal in seconds with little regard. There are a few times when you can use that to your advantage but usually it's not as helpful. Get all the take down types so you can take down from above and below giving you more stealth options. Sometimes it's better to go at it from above and other times from below. Like if they are on the side of a hill or have a lot of buildings around them taking them down from above could be a useful option.

    If they are near water it's useful to be able to do it from below. Plus all the other cool ones help with this too if you get good using them in a chain. Play around with your options; you'll eventually find what works best for you.

    I find the knife far more useful than any other stealth weapon in this game. I usually spot everyone, then do my best to knife dudes.I have yet to pick off dudes with a sniper rifle without their buddies noticing and beginning to move toward me.

    Certainly there are ways to do it, but I just feel like the knife is a much better stealth tool with a lot of versatility.' Course, I'm also the guy that loaded up a car with C4 and sent it careening into an outpost earlier today. I spend a lot of time going into these things with the biggest bang possible. Guards will react upon spotting that an alarm has been shot, so if you're going that way you must make sure you can nail all the alarm posts. Usually though they can still be handled even after spotting a shot up alarm system.I actually would vary my approach depending upon the base set up. Take into account number of sentries, what types and LoS they have and ease of access.

    Some bases are actually way easy to just sneak into and you can switch off all the alarms by getting to one of them.Keep in mind that releasing any caged animals will not trigger the guards against you. At least, never did for me.Edit: Regrettably though I never got around to launching a vehicle with C4 plastered on it into a base at speed. Not exactly a quiet entrance I know. @ValiantGrizzlyShoot the alarms before shooting guys. Also, I had better results sneaking around with my knife after tagging every enemy.If there's a caged animal in the outpost, use it to your advantage to distract the enemies and thin them out. When they're shooting a tiger, they won't freak out from your sniper rifle fire.To be fair, though, I think the 'fuck it' attitude is the perfect attitude for this game. Improvise, dude.

    You'll get enough XP from other things, you don't need the bonus. And blowing shit up in FC3 is rad. True but also one of the skills you unlock on the skill tree requires that you take 3 bases unnoticed to unlock. I like to scout and tag from high ground maybe using the heightened senses drug.

    Then I'll look for natural funnel-points or paths and mine them up. Switch to c4 and get a distraction ready then use rocks to get them out into the mines. If there's a bear or tiger in a cage great! Suppressed weapon to open that up. Now a tiger is ripping in to them, dude just stepped on a mine, I hit the C4 (hopefully on a vehicle) then use suppressed weapon on any barrels or fuck it switch right to the launcher and empty it. Maybe sprint in for some chain-stabby.GOTY. @believer258 said:I find the knife far more useful than any other stealth weapon in this game.

    I usually spot everyone, then do my best to knife dudes.I have yet to pick off dudes with a sniper rifle without their buddies noticing and beginning to move toward me. Certainly there are ways to do it, but I just feel like the knife is a much better stealth tool with a lot of versatility.' Course, I'm also the guy that loaded up a car with C4 and sent it careening into an outpost earlier today.

    I spend a lot of time going into these things with the biggest bang possible.I feel this is a case for a ton of weapons in this game, even with the recurve bow. If there's a guy at least ten or so feet away from another guy, if they get pinged with an arrow, they'll almost always be heard by the guy I didn't take down. I kind of wish you could move bodies after you take them down, and not just after a knife takedown. It would be super useful to move bodies since the odds of another guy seeing a dead body, (even through grass) is kind of ridiculous and crazy. The AI gets weird flashes of clairvoyant omniscience sometimes.

    I'll sneak around and plug a guy with an arrow, and when others in the outpost discover his body they'll sprint to the exact spot at which I'm standing, or was standing when I fired the arrow, even if no one was alerted immediately by the thwip of the bowshot.On one occasion, I was perfectly hidden some two dozen meters away from the group of pirates before one of them blew himself up with a grenade. I hadn't begun to attack them in the slightest to provoke this, but regardless, the surviving pirates, now panicked from the explosion, charged in unison to my exact spot. I hadn't been spotted. I hadn't been identified. The group of them simply ordained, from behind a cluster of buildings, that my specific covering of underbrush was the place to go. And of course, that's when I was finally noticed and murdered.

    Yeah the game has this stupid thing where if you miss your headshot, everyone seems to know where you're shooting from, but if you kill the guy, they don't seem to care.Just pick off anyone who is isolated, don't miss your shots, shoot the alarm boxes, or go in like I do and kinda rush for the nearest one, to turn the alarm system off, and then go knife crazy.I never really liked doing it stealthily, the only times I had fun doing it was when I had unleashed a tiger and then they threw molotovs everywhere and killed themselves. I just watched the carnage unfold. I generally like to just rush for an alarm box then go on a shotgun frenzy.

    Far Cry 3 Outpost Reset

    Far Cry 3 OutpostFriends MatterJoin your friends and get ahead in the game with the Far Cry 3 mobile app for multiplayer and co-op. Earn advanced weapon mods for your favorite guns and customize your loadouts on the go! The next time you jump into a multiplayer match or co-op chapter, youll be ready to play.Features:- Decode the encrypted data you find in-game to unlock advanced weapon mods and earn bonus XP. Dont wait until youre playing the game to start decoding. Instead, decode on the go! Once you unlock a weapon mod, you can accept it, give it to one of your friends or sell it for more XP straight from your phone.- Play The Grid to unlock new encrypted data sources to decode, even while away from the game!- View and customize your loadouts so that youre ready to play once youre back in the game.- Keep track of your progress through the Daily and Weekly Challenges. Completing these challenges will earn you XP.- Check out your personal stats and the stats of your friends, including time played, level, top weapons, awards and more.- Keep track of the maps youve made in the Map Editor.

    Far Cry 3 Outpost Decoder

    You can follow the current tier placements and how many people have liked or favorited your maps. Full Specifications What's new in version 1.0.2New feature: The Grid! Play The Grid to unlock new encrypted data sources to decode, even while away from the game!Fixed issue where Loadouts sometimes failed to appearFixed several crashes and bugsIf you are experiencing issues with the Far Cry 3 Outpost app, please visit or visit the Far Cry 3 forums.GeneralPublisherPublisher web siteRelease DateDecember 20, 2012Date AddedFebruary 22, 2013Version1.0.2CategoryCategorySubcategoryOperating SystemsOperating SystemsiOSAdditional RequirementsCompatible with iPod Touch (3rd generation or later, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPad.

    ITunes account required.Download InformationFile Size17.14MBFile NameExternal FilePopularityTotal Downloads1,387Downloads Last Week11PricingLicense ModelFreeLimitationsNot availablePriceFree.

    Far Cry 3 Outposts
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